This year marked the first Mobile Commerce Summit hosted by the ETA and held in Chicago. It educated attendees on the current use of mobile technology for small business merchant processing as well as its promising future in this market. It is predicted that mobile will have a strong impact on the industry. Because this is such an innovative endeavor, you may not feel quite up to par. However, there is no need to worry if you feel that your company is falling behind. This will be an ongoing learning process for everyone in the industry. Let’s take a look at the evidence that supports the future of mobile credit card processing service.
Many companies have already started to develop a more mobile approach to merchant processing. For example, Lowes is planning to implement iPhones as POS devices for customer service. Another store investing in a more mobile credit card processing service is Nordstrom. This retailer has already ordered a plethora of iPads for in-store use. Finally, Sparkbase has seen positive results and is quickly growing due to the use of the PayCloud mobile wallet.
After looking at these few success stories, it may seem like everyone is getting involved with some kind of mobile solution. However, it’s important to remember that these previously mentioned companies should be seen as early adopters. This is still a young and constantly evolving market. To help prepare your company for the future, it would be best to start educating yourself now on what is to come.
To help you begin the learning process, here are two crucial insights from panelists at the Mobile Commerce Summit.
Think Beyond Payments
As merchant service providers, you may be used to focusing all efforts on your credit card processing service, and this may have worked well previously when the job consisted of selling a credit card terminal to newly identified credit card acceptors. For existing clients, you may have helped lower their merchant processing costs. However, with the evolving market, your client relationship cannot be solely focused on the payment.
Mobile wallets, such as the Google Wallet, have more capabilities including the addition of coupons and other marketing strategies. You may also have heard of Square, which offers credit card processing along with a POS solution. The mobile future is beginning to develop beyond payments.
Focus on Merchants
Once you’ve broadened your idea of merchant processing and the future of mobile payments, you may discover even more ways to stray from offering only the typical payment solutions. To find new and innovative ways to help your merchants, try focusing on their current problems, needs and what specific ways you can help them with their business. This will position your company as a reliable merchant service provider.
About The Author:
Jeff Zimmerman serves as Clearent’s Vice President of Product Management and Marketing. Having held senior product management roles at Network Solutions and Intuit – maker of Quicken, QuickBooks and TurboTax, Jeff brings 15 years of product management, finance and marketing experience in the financial services and software industries. Among our solutions, we offer a mobile credit card processing service for our merchants’ convenience. Learn more about our merchant processing products and services and how they can help your business.