Sunday, June 10, 2012

Even The Best Credit Card Processing Companies Face Pricing Challenges

As a merchant services provider, you know that at times, it can be difficult to price new merchant accounts, especially with the addition of new association fees. After discussing referral programs with many bankers, a lack of flexibility seemed to be creating the majority of the frustration when it came to pricing these new accounts.

In such a competitive market, flexibility is key when it comes to pricing. It’s necessary to offer many different options. Some of the best credit card processing companies will work diligently toward being able to offer unique pricing based on each individual merchant and their needs. In doing so, they focus on certain characteristics, such as the average ticket size, the size of the merchant and their expected card mix (credit, debit, rewards cards, etc.).

Here are a few areas payment processing agents should be cautious of when pricing new accounts.

Small Ticket Size

Merchants with a ticket size less than $15 are hard to price due in part to the large impact of the transaction fee and the minimal impact of the discount rate – whereas normal ticket sizes have the opposite effect. Also, the range of ticket sizes can affect the percentage of transactions that actually qualify for small ticket interchange rates.

Because of this, it’s much harder to use discount pricing for merchants with small tickets, but unfortunately some providers don’t make pass through pricing an option for their banks. 

Pricing Methods

Due to limitations of some provider’s fee structures, some merchant services programs still only offer one of the two major pricing options. Typically, pricing methods in our industry include discount (tiered) pricing, and interchange plus (pass through) pricing. When deciding which pricing method to choose, many small business owners are looking for payment processing agents that will work with them as a partner and help them find or create the best pricing structure to enhance the success of their business.

The best credit card processing companies will work to find the best option possible for your program – which could include either the discount or interchange pricing method. When only offered one option that might not meet all of their needs, there’s a good chance banks have turn business away. Plus the profitability on certain accounts will take a serious hit.

Looking to the future, I bet we will see more hybrids of discount and interchange plus pricing, like a discount pricing with pass through fees.


Because merchant statements can become confusing, it has become increasingly difficult to offer the right price to merchants. It’s best if a bank can be given the opportunity to call their processing company for advice, although some aren’t given such option. With a good support system, banks will be able to take advantage of more opportunities.

About The Author


As a Relationship Manager, Nick Karcher supports both current bank partners as well as those institutions that want to know what makes Clearent a different kind of payment processor. Nick began his career in debit and credit card processing with Electronic Merchant Systems (EMS) as an Account Executive and later started his own Independent Sales Office. Clearent is always working toward being one of the best credit card processing companies thanks to its dedicated staff and many services. Talk to one of Clearent’s payment processing agents about how you can improve your sales.