With credit card processing services, being able to get a fast merchant account approval can be the difference between a potential client signing with you or your competitor.
Often you’ll meet merchants who are opening businesses but have waited until the last minute to think about credit card processing services. Their doors open in two days, but they have no processing in place.
In this scenario, it’s crucial to have a good processing partner, one that is committed to fast merchant account approval.
Without a good partner, it could be days before the merchant is able to process credit cards.
However, with a good partner, you can easily say, “No problem. I’ll have you accepting credit cards in no time.”
Without a good partner, you’ll submit a completed application to your processor along with a note begging for fast merchant account approval.
With a good partner, you can fax the application knowing that you’ll get the terminal ID number (TID) in a few hours, and that you’ll have the merchant’s terminal up and running fast.
As you can see, partnering with the right processor is important. Don’t just choose one that offers a special rush service. Pick one who views turning around new applications in just a few hours as business as usual.
After picking a partner dedicated to fast merchant account approval, you can speed up the approval process with these tips:
- Make sure you get the TID. A fast approval is the first step, but to reprogram the merchant’s terminal and get them up and running quickly, you need the TID.
- Understand your processor’s credit policy so you can provide the right documents based on the type of merchant (e.g., low vs. high risk). This way your processor’s underwriting department will have the information they need, and you won’t have to spend time collecting additional documents.
- Gather accurate and complete information about the client’s terminal setup so the processor can create the file build correctly.
- If you have questions about underwriting or equipment, ask your processor. They’ll be happy to answer your questions to make your turnaround fast.
Have you met merchants who need two-day turnarounds–or less? Do you have any other tips to speed up turnaround? Leave us a comment below.
Jeff Fortney is Vice President of ISO Channel Management at Clearent™. His career includes over 35 years in financial services, with the last 17 focused on the debit and credit card processing industry. Clearent provides fast merchant account approval and is a valuable partner to many ISOs and agents. If you’re looking for a new partner for your credit card processing services, Clearent will be sure to give you and your merchants high-quality service, competitive pricing and sought-after products and services.